Power Wheels
Demolition Derby

Drivers shall be aged 3 to 8 and not weigh more than 80 pounds.
(birth certificates and photo indentification for parent may be requested)

Vehicles shall be STOCK 'Power Wheels' type vehicles. All adrivers must provide their own vehicle for competition

Original batteries may be replaced with a lawnmower or motorcylce type battery.

Drivers must wear a helmet, long pants, and shoes. NO shorts or sandals.

Driver's parents must accompany child at event and complete and sign a minor release form at registration.

Entry Fee is $10 if strictly entering this class and returning to the grandstands after event. Any driver remaining in pit must pay for a regular pit pass at $20. Any adult accompanying a child and remaining in pit after event is required to purchase a pit pass at $20.

One adult per driver may accompany driver to entrance of competition area and stand in a designated area to record the event. No parent allowed in competition area at any time unless directed by a track official.


Kids Power Wheels Rules

2016 Derby Pictures